
Showing posts from February, 2016


   I stepped out of Indigo flight on 29th December and fresh breeze fulfilled my lungs.i stepped into auto to be at my clinic and there was gush of polluted air of Ahmadabad and i instantly remember the gentle wind of Kedarkantha.. When I left Ahmadabad on 22nd Dec evening my heart was heavy. I was missing my friends as I was travelling solo for Kedarkantha trek which I booked in over excitement of trekking but as the day was coming closer I was terrified..What the hell am i doing!!!!I kept asking my self why this is so important to you.My friends told me are you maaaad???you are going in December? ??. I started having second thoughts of postponing it but then i decided to give it a go anyway... I knew if I don't do it now then i won't be able to do it ever.. So that was it..It was decided.I am going for KK trek.. The main reason I selected Kk was that the travelling from Ahmadabad to Dehradoon was easy and from Dehradoon Indiahikes team were going to arrange Traveller t